Volume 16.1 | spring 2005
Table of Contents
Introduction Mindy Hutchings Behind the Irony Curtain: Lenin Loses His Head in Las Vegas Dina Titus "Sweet Desolation" and Seduction in Toni Morrison's Jazz Geta LeSeur Spectres of Fear: Jihadism as the Global Bogeyman Arthur Saniotis Out of Focus on the Family: A Response to Arguments about Same Sex Marriage Mel Seesholtz Goth and Industrial Cultures: Differential Interpretations D. A. Lopez and Karith A. Meyers Georg Trakl and the Goth Band L'ame Immortelle Gabriele Eckart and Kevin Stueve "Self-Matters": Latter-Day Notes on the Culture of Narcissism Steven Carter The Comic Strip Pogo and Liberal Satire During the Vietnam Era Eric Jarvis Yep, Gaston's Gay: Disney and the Beauty of a Beastly Love H. Peter Steeves Patriarchy, the Christian Romance Novel, and the "Ecosystem of Sex" Matthew Kapell and Suzanne Becker |