Volume 30.2 | Summer 2019
Table of Contents From the Editor’s Desk Felicia Campbell Side 3, Side 2: The Beatles in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake Steven Hamelman Space at the Con: Conversations About Representation in Popular Culture at Comic Conventions Debra E. Jenson What’s lit got to do with it? Deconstructing the Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site ......................... 57 Alana N. Seaman Dating in the Digital Age: A Research Experiment .............. 95 Marci Mazzarotto Fake News and Failed Friendships: An Analysis of Trump, Pecker, and the National Enquirer ........................... 117 William M. Kirtley and Patricia M. Kirtley “We Know the Way”: Culture–Nature Relationship and Kuleana in Disney’s Moana ............................................. 157 Colby Y. Miyose Has True Romance Disappeared in Consumer Society? A Morinian and Baudrillardian Reflection of the Acute Crisis of Simulation ...................................................... 183 Keith Moser Dante, the Gothic, the Abject, and the Grotesque in Mathieu Missoffe’s Thriller-Crime Drama Black Spot ....... 209 Richard Logsdon “I Am Trying Hard to Follow the Sound: Meditations on Accepting Typhoon’s Offerings ......................................... 237 H. Peter Steeves Book Reviews Valenzano III, Joseph M. and Erika Engstrom: Religions Across Television Genres: Community, Orange Is the New Black, The Walking Dead, and Supernatural ....................... 257 Reviewed by Jarret Keene Rukmini Pande: Squee from the Margins: Fandom and Race ..................................................................... 263 Reviewed by Erika Abad Rosie White: Television Comedy and Femininity: Queering Gender ....................................................................... 269 Reviewed by Clayton N. Cobb Michelle Medeiros: Gender, Science, and Authority in Women’s Travel Writing: Literary Perspectives on the Discourse of Natural History ............................................... 271 Reviewed by Heather Lusty Christopher B. Patterson: Transitive Cultures: Anglophone Literature of the Transpacific ................................ 275 Reviewed by Julianna Crame Scott Donaldson: The Paris Husband: How It Really Was Between Ernest and Hadley Hemingway ......................... 279 Reviewed by Carl Rollyson Contributors .............................................................................. 291 EDITOR |